Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Mereset Printer Samsung SCX-4300

I already talked about my problems with the SCX-4200 printer, with Samsung drivers for Linux and Ubuntu 8.10. Now I discovered that the newer model I bought, the SCX-4300, has a disagreeable system to check the level of the ink in the toner, with a chip mounted on original toners from Samsung.
When the level is near to the end, the printer gives error and stops. In other words, it disallow you to use all the ink; in addiction of this, you can’t use compatible toners because they doesn’t have the chip, so the printer doesn’t restart even after you replace it.

Gabriele Piscitelli published the complete procedure to enter the service mode of your Samsung SCX-4300 printer, flash it and reset the ink counter. I translated the tutorial in english and I want to share it with you. The original italian article can be found on his blog.

DISCLAIMER: as usual, I am not responsible for any damage you can cause with this procedure!

  • First of all, download the software pack: (here’s a local mirror) and extract it in your hard disk (C:\), creating a C:\scx-4300 folder;
  • Now fire up a command line window: click Start -> Execute…, type CMD and press enter;
  • In the black command line window type cd / and press enter; then type cd scx-4300 and press enter again;
  • Type fix4300.exe SCX4300_V1.13_Fact_romdl.hd and press enter; this script will create a new file in the folder, named FIX_SCX4300_V1.13_Fact_romdl.hd. This file is created starting from the unique serial of your printer, and it will replace the original one in your printer flash memory.
  • Let’s go to service mode: press the following buttons on your SCX-4300 panel:MENU
    < >

    You have to execute the entire sequence quickly! If nothing “strange” happens, just press “STOP” and redo it.

  • If everything is done, you should see “TECH MODE in the display of the printer;
  • Press the “MENU” button, follow these steps: DATA SETUP -> FLASH UPGRADE -> LOCAL, then press “OK”;
  • Go back to your computer: you’ve to drag and drop the file we created before (FIX_SCX4300_V1.13_Fact_romdl.hd) to the icon named usbprns2.exe;รน
  • The display on Samsung SCX-4300 should say:
    - Data receiving
    - Flash erasing
    - Flash Programming
    - Checksumming
    - Download Ok
  • Then the printer will reboot. You unlocked it!
  • When the printer is ready, just repeat the sequence you used before to enter the “TECH MODE” and follow these steps: DATA SETUP -> CLEAR COUNTERS -> CLEAR ALL CNT. The status LED on the printer should become yellow, then finally green. Now you can print again, using all the remaining ink!

Mereset Printer Samsung HL-1640

Produsen printer sekarang makin pinter. Kita sebagai maling juga pinter searching, apalagi ada master google.

Samsung ML-1640 generasi printer laser murah meriah. Bandel dan handal utk operasional harian. Namun ada sayangnya, printer ini berhenti bekerja setelah 2100 halaman. Printer akan nge Blink merah terus menerus.. bener-bener nggaplek i..

Kita diharuskan mengganti cartridge nya setiap 2100 agar bisa jalan lagi. wakaakaka… betul-betul strategi marketing yg bagus. Padahal orang indonesia biasa melakukan isi ulang toner selama drum masih bagus.

Bisa dibayangkan ganti cartridge = 750 rb an, sementara isi ulang = 100 rb. Setiap 1000 lembar perlu dilakukan isi ulang atau ganti cartridge… wow…

Oke deh, bagi yg terbiasa isi ulang kita perlu sedikit usaha utk reset ML-1640 ini. Paling gampang sih panggil saja teknisi, ganti ongkos 50 rb… hihihi…

Yang merasa pelit ayo lakukan hal berikut :

1. Buka cover belakang, cuman membuka dua mur kok.

2. Lihat pada board hijau di sebelah kanan

3. Nah ini dia senjata rahasia kita, kabel kecil.. wakakakakaka

4. Hubungkan PIN 1 dan 4 pada kaki IC kecil disamping processor

Kalau ingin disoder gpp kayak gambar di atas itu disoder.

Tapi aku sendiri susah utk menyoder barang sekecil itu.. hehehehe (bilang aja gak bakat !!!).

Ya udah kalau gak kepingin ya tinggal dihubungkan saja, lalu hidupkan Printer dalam kondisi kabel masih menancap di pin 1 dan 4, selama lebih kurang 15 detik lah. Nanti warna blink akan berubah hijau… tralalalaaaaaa…. Hijau.. Hulk..

Sdh Printer siap dihidangkan lagi.

Tambahan :

  • beberapa rekan telah mencoba pada ML-2240 dan berhasil.
  • (18 nov 2009). Saat artikel ini dibuat printer yg kubeli ML-1640 sebanyak 4 buah dengan firmware : ke bawah. Terakhir beli Agustus 2009. Check dahulu OS version dengan menekan tombol merah selama 5 detik. Beberapa komentar dibawah akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan kegagalan setelah direset / dijumper.

Referensi terbaru dari tambahan dari mas bejo, tapi daku sendiri belum coba:

1)Downloaded zip file (
2)Extracted zip file contents into a new directory
3)Plug in printer and make sure its marked Online in your Printers control applet in Windows
4)Drag and drop the ML1640_V1010060.fls file onto the usbprns2.exe binary
5)Light will turn amber
6)Get a cuppa
7)Some people have reported theirs to restart and set itself to green position.As previously said I restarted mine manually.

Tolong kabari kalau ada yang berhasil, thanks

salam dari mas basriyanto